Disposable Lash Wands in Box Spoolies Brush Pk 100

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Disposable Lash Wands in Box Spoolies Brush Pk 100


100 x disposable lash wands, seated nicely inside a hard plastic compartment box, which can be opened and closed with ease.


This casing can assist with ensuring your wands stay neat and in order, as well as keeping off any dirt and germs they may be exposed to if sitting loose in a cup or a drawer. 


The box can also be retailed at the front to sell to customers - who doesn't love to have a heap of fresh lash wands on hand to give their lashes a brush a clean? if a client is re-using the same wand you gave them from the service, it can build up germs. So having a fresh stash is going to help protect your clients eyes as well.


Black with dark pink bristles 


RRP - $20