Lash Lift Adhesive - Strong Hold Tube 10ml

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Lash Lift Adhesive - Strong Hold Tube

As a world leading brand we are always challenging our product development team to push beyond clients expectations. 

The development of the Elleebana stronghold adhesive particularly was developed as we see salons who lose precious treatment time when they have to re-stick lashes to the rods midway through a treatment.  This comes about because of a few things:

  • A clients natural lash strength is strong and resistant and wants to come away naturally
  • They are baby lashes that are only new growth and often don’t adhere easily or because
  • The adhesive used to adhere lashes to rods is a water based product that is easily soluble and breaks down with contact from lotions or water

In order to help keep treatment times to a minimum for clients and to help keep lash lifting a cost effective treatment for salons we felt there was an demanding need for an alternative to most of the adhesives on the market.  During the development stages of the stronghold we also determined that the inclusion of ingredients that offered support to the lash during the chemical process of lash lifting would only be beneficial to the client and their natural lashes. 

Elleebana stronghold adhesive was launched in early 2018 in London to the European Elleebana Master trainers and distributors at the Elleevation Symposium.  At the Symposium the master trainers were allowed to trial the adhesive during their lash lift applications and the response was an overwhelming success.  The trainers watched a demonstration from Australian Master Trainer Jessica Eaton and Product Developer and Elleebana founder Otto Mitter first where it was explained that using this adhesive requires some care and a slight alteration to the way that technicians and therapists are used to.  Using less adhesive than normal and working in sections was a key point as well as utilising the lift and hold method that is taught in our classes rather than scooping and removing the adhesive from the rod and leaving nothing left on the rod allows mastery of this adhesive.

Using the “Lift and hold” method you do not push away the adhesive, you have less adhesive build up through the lash line and the support of the product is amazing.  If you rush to lift the lashes too soon you will lift the lashes up but as you do you will wipe away the adhesive leaving nothing left on the rod for the lashes to grab to and the lashes will just drop away and not stick up even after a few attempts. 

 Stronghold also has a particular “set and grab” time and at this point the product becomes less forgiving and really grabs hold and sets.  This can be softened slightly by applying a little more adhesive or alternatively using a microbrush dampened with water however mastering your lash placement and perfection in your first attempt will see you really loving the Stronghold like so many do.

 Another key factor is your room air flow/temperature – like most adhesives/glues that dry from air contact if you have strong air conditioning blowing in your room or on your client the adhesive can become harder to work with or more temperamental.  Be sure to monitor this during your treatment. 

 Just like lash extensions brands offer a variety of adhesives for environments and lashing styles, Elleebana was keen to push the boundaries and offer two different adhesives for the variety of lash lift technicians and lash lifting stylists.  So available you will find:

  • the Original Lash Lift Adhesive – designed for those who are starting out, those who need a little more working time and flexibility with their adhesive, for these clients the original lash lift adhesive is still available and will remain available in lash lift kits 
  • The Elleebana Stronghold Adhesive – for those who are quite fast and adept at lash lifting and can achieve ideal isolation without too much time and enjoy the benefit of the added strength and support that stronghold offers as well as the reduced treatment time

 In our classes we offer students the opportunity to see both of these adhesives used on the demonstration model and the students have the option to use the stronghold if they feel like they would like to.  After the initial release of the stronghold the Elleebana trainers globally needed some time to get used to the product and we had some who performed a variety of models before they started to feel really confident using the product but comments like the follow leave us with no doubt that Stronghold is the next generation of adhesives for Lash Lifting